Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 2, Episode 6: Bloom of Doom

Last time on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Zack and Billy had putty on their minds.  They put on glasses that made them see their friends as putties.  They didn’t know whether they were fighting friend or foe when real putties attacked.  At the same time, a monster grown from the class iguana terrorized Angel Grove.  Bulk and Skull were trying to find out who the Power Rangers were by matching voices to tape recordings.  And Tommy once again drained his powers.  It was action packed and fun.

This episode will probably be the same.  There is sure to be action, since the show uses action scenes from its Japanese counterpart.  I’m not entirely sure what the action will be.  It will likely have something to do with a flower.  Hopefully there will be more of Bulk and Skull trying to figure out who the Power Rangers are.  That storyline is entertaining.  It’s an improvement over what they were doing last season.  But the episode will likely be self-contained, since it is not a Part I.  There probably won’t be too much that moves the overall story forward.  There’s only one way to find out if my predictions are correct.

Season 2, Episode 6: Bloom of Doom
We began with the high school storyline.  The teens at Angel Grove High School were getting their extra-curricular activities on by joining different clubs.  Zack had his hip-hop kido club.  Trini had her volleyball club.  Kimberly wasn’t doing well with her horticulture club.  She couldn’t get anyone to join.  Even Bulk and Skull were getting people to sign up for their unsolved mysteries club.

It’s this lack of club signer uppers that inspired Lord Zedd.  He put a spell on a cactus and sent a disguised putty to the Angel Grove Youth Centre to put it onto Kimberly’s table.  When Kimberly touched the cactus, she gained an attitude that turned her against the other Power Rangers.  Lord Zedd is all about breaking the team apart from within.  He also created a flower monster to attack the city.

While all of this was happening, Bulk and Skull ran around with their unsolved mysteries club trying to unmask the Power Rangers.  They used their tape recorder to capture people’s voices so that they could compare them to the voices of the Power Rangers.  When they were about to reveal the voices on their cassette tape, they realized it was too dirty and wouldn’t play properly.

The Power Rangers fought putties before battling the Bloom of Doom.  They morphed up for the putty fight.  Because the putties were the new kind, it was American footage.  They kicked putty butt before the Bloom of Doom arrived.  It took Kimberly to an inter-dimensional warp.  Only Trini could save her, since they are best friends.  When the Bloom of Doom and Kimberly came back, they were quick to kill the monster with the power blaster.

This was another self-contained episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  Nothing about this episode will have a lasting effect on the series.  It ended where it started.  The episode was fine, if a little quick with the resolution.  They barely fought the monster.  I prefer the putty fights, but if you’re going to have a monster, they should fight it for more than five seconds.  Even when it took Kimberly away, it didn’t really do anything but stand there while she was scared about being somewhere other than Angel Grove.

I’ve already hinted at the weirdest thing in this episode.  Everyone kept saying that Kimberly and Trini were best friends.  I can’t remember anything in the series to support that claim.  Tommy and Jason seem like best friends.  That is evident throughout the series.  But if Trini is anybody’s best friend, she would be Billy’s best friend.  They seem to understand each other better than anyone in the group.  They’re usually together.  And Trini tends to be Billy’s translator when he talks about smart, scientific stuff.  I have never seen anything that would make me think Trini and Kimberly are best friends.

That’s another episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers down.  It was okay.  Perhaps the next one will be better?  It looks like a Tommy episode, so it should be.  Tommy has always been an interesting character.  From his introduction to his disappearance to his re-introduction, the guy has been a great addition.  I’ll see you next time when I delve into The Green Dream.


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