Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 2, Episode 2: The Mutiny, Part II

Previously on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the second season began with the introduction of a new primary villain.  Lord Zedd returned from where he was hiding, banished Rita Repulsa, and took over the moon base.  The Power Rangers were introduced to him and his new form of putties.  Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull vowed to unmask the Power Rangers.  The episode ended on a cliffhanger as a piranha monster froze the Zords, rendering the Power Rangers helpless.

The next episode will likely pick up where that one ended and continue the Power Rangers’ struggle.  I’m hoping that the episode is as tense and nail-biting as the season opener.  The way that the stories seemed to be setting up serialization has the potential to lead to good things.  If this episode continues the trend, I’ll be very happy.  It is what Mighty Morphin Power Rangers has been missing.  The episodic stuff is fun, but a nice through-line would bring everything together.

Season 2, Episode 2: The Mutiny, Part II
There wasn’t much to the high school story in this episode.  At no point were the main characters going about their high school lives.  Since it took place immediately after the last episode, they were already in their suits and fighting bad guys.  The most that we see of the high school stuff was that the four-wheeler race from the previous episode was still underway.

Bulk and Skull got a little bit of time in the episode.  They were lost in the open terrain and trying to find their way to the finish line.  They made a friendly wager about who would get their first.  The loser had to buy all-you-can-eat pizza for the winner.  They headed in different directions, only to meet face-to-face at some point.  The piranha monster came in and took control of their four-wheelers, sending them off once again.

The Power Rangers were busy trying to figure out how to get their Zords back.  Four of the Zords had been frozen, with the other two (Jason’s and Tommy’s) controlled by Lord Zedd.  He unleashed them on the Power Rangers, sending the Rangers into retreat mode.  Back in the Command Centre, they were introduced to their ThunderZords.  The only catch was that they would need to regain control of their old Zords in order to use their ThunderZords.  Billy and Trini went to Billy’s garage to build a machine that would interrupt Lord Zedd’s signals and free the Zords.  The rest of the Power Rangers went to fight.

Three main fights occurred in this episode.  The first followed up on the cliff-hanger of the Zords being taken.  The Dragonzord and the T-Rex Zord attacked the Power Rangers as they ran across rooftops and through the streets.  This fight ended with the Power Rangers retreating.  The next fight was against putties.  It involved Tommy, Jason, Kimberly, and Zack.  It wasn’t a standout fight but was aided by the destruction of the new putties being more fun than the previous generation.  Having to punch or kick the Z on their chests adds something to the fight.  The final fight was the Zords once again going after the Power Rangers.  There wasn’t much to it.  It was setup for something bigger.  The Zords shot at the Power Rangers and Jason asked for Billy and Trini’s help, before we were treated to a “To Be Continued” caption.

This episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers brought about one big change.  We got the introduction of the ThunderZords.  They haven’t been used yet, but they are coming.  Jason will have a red dragon.  Kimberly will have some firebird.  Zack gets a lion.  Trini gets a griffin.  Billy will get a unicorn.  We know this, and that knowledge is what drives the Power Rangers forward to get control of their old zords.

There is a repercussions from this episode.  Not only did we get the introduction of the ThunderZords, which will become the standard fighting machinery, but we found out that there isn’t currently one for Tommy.  There is no Green Ranger Zord in the Thunder era.  There are going to have to be changes for Tommy.  That will have an effect on the Power Rangers team.  Tommy was also being recharged by Zordon at the start of the episode.  This can’t keep happening.  I will harm Zordon and the Power Rangers.  The Green Ranger has to go, though it will be sad to no longer have him around.

A few weird moments were included in this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, just like any other.  The one that stands out most was Zack during the putty fight.  Whenever a Power Ranger finishes off a putty, they will do a martial arts pose for the camera.  It has happened since at least when Tommy was introduced.  When Zack was fighting off the putties, he stopped for a pose as he normally would.  But the moves he did before the pose were much more infused with dance than martial arts.  It seemed out of place, even for a character who is known for Hip Hop Kido.

The next episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will conclude this season opening storyline.  The Mutiny will come to a close, likely in big fashion.  I’m looking forward to the first defeat of Lord Zedd as the Power Rangers regain control of their Zords and use their ThunderZords.  It’s going to be a whole load of fun.  I can feel it.  See you next time for some more Mighty Morphin Power Rangers good times.


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