Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 59: Mighty Morphin Mutants

This is the second last episode of season one of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  It has taken me years to get here because I’ve been lazy, distracted, and non-committed.  That has started changing as I’ve now been writing more frequently and keeping a fairly regular schedule.  I’m happy with how things are going.

The second season is so close that I can taste it.  That season will bring big changes to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but that’s for another time and another post.  This post is about the end of the first season.  With this being the second last episode, I’m expecting something big to happen.  This episode and the next should drive the show forward into season two, making the audience want more.  I’m excited to see what will happen.

So why don’t I get right into the episode then?  Let’s go.

Season 1, Episode 59: Mighty Morphin Mutants
Tommy forgot to set his alarm and was late for class.  His teacher assigned a project for students to try improving one of their flaws.  Bulk and Skull didn’t think they had flaws, but Tommy offered to help.  They insulted him instead.

Rita pulled out the badges of darkness which would allow putties to become the Power Rangers.  Goldar began training putties as the evil twins of the Power Rangers, but there was no puttie worthy of becoming the Red Ranger.

Kimberly and Tommy were attacked by their evil twins while strolling through the park.  The two real Power Rangers lost the fight because the evil twins knew their moves.  Zordon explained the badges of darkness to the Power Rangers and that there is no Red Ranger doppelganger.

She soon createed a leader to take the Red Ranger place.  It’s some shrimp monster.  The Power Rangers, sans Tommy who wasn’t responding to the communicator, headed off to fight.  Tommy showed up at school and found his communicator, then joined the fight.

The mutant Power Rangers had their own power blaster and shoot at the real Power Rangers.  The real ones retreated, got upgraded weapons, and returned to the fight.  The two teams made power blasters and shot at each other.  The real Power Rangers’ blaster overpowered the other one.  Rita gave up on that fight and grew her monster and her Power Rangers.  Zords fought like usual. The Power Rangers won.

In the final scene, Bulk and Skull were at school acting like gentlemen, with their fault being that they were rude and insensitive.  They brought a gift for their teacher, who wouldn’t open it because she just got her nails done.  She asked them to open it.  They did, and silly string shoots everywhere.  Everyone laughed.  The end.

There wasn’t some big event in this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that changed the course of the show.  That didn’t make this one any less entertaining.  There was still a good conflict with Rita having one of the best monsters she has made thus far.  The evil twins were an interesting way to go, even if it has sort of been done before.  They felt more dangerous this time around and that made the fight better.

Next episode is the season finale.  That’s right.  I will have made it through an entire season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  I’m looking forward to the second season already and the changes that will come with it.  Rocky, Aisha, and Adam.  The Thunderzords.  All that fun stuff.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 1 has been a fun ride and I will be sad to see it go.  The second season could bring more greatness and could strengthen the overall story of the show.  That’s what I’m looking forward to.  More about that soon.  I’ll see you next time for the season 1 finale of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


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