Work Stories: Episode 58: En-Light-Ening

Previously on Work Stories, I wrote about three guys who I was trying to get by on my way home from work, who stopped me to ask where to find all the hot women, and offered to buy me drinks.  I thought it was an interesting enough story.  I’m not sure what anyone else thought about it.  This week I want to try to get you interested, but I’m sure I won’t.  I’m sure it will just be another boring story that you read and forget about ten minutes later.  Oh well.

This week’s story once again takes place at the museum I work at.  I’m sorry that I keep going here, but I’m putting up stories the week they happen so that I don’t have to bank them.  The banking is for the weeks when I have nothing to share, or if I ever happen to lose a job that I have and can’t collect any more stories for a while.  So you have to deal with a bunch of stories about me working at the museum because that’s what I’m going to give you for the foreseeable future.

In the winter, it gets really slow at work.  Nobody wants to come to Niagara Falls in the winter.  Our biggest attraction is something that is outside.  We’re in Canada.  Canada and outside in the winter is not something that you want to do for a vacation, unless you are going skiing.  I get really bored when I’m working and I’ll do anything to keep myself entertained.

The other night, I decided that it was the perfect time to go change some lightbulbs that had gone out.  I went upstairs and grabbed the ladder so that I could get to the ceiling fixtures.  I grabbed some lightbulbs to replace the burnt out ones with.  I headed over to where the fixtures were, and noticed that the one family who had come in the museum that night were where I needed to go.  So I went over to the other side of our upstairs to waste some time.

We have a Nintendo in our museum.  It only has Super Mario Bros.  I’m not sure why this is there, but it is.  I decided to play this in order to wait out the family that was still hanging around in the spot that I needed to change some lights.  I breezed through the first level, took the shortcut on the second to go to the fourth world.  I went through the first level of that and gained a life.  Then I went underground, missed the shortcut and moved onto the third level of the fourth world.  Third levels are the ones I suck at.  I lost three of my four lives there and moved onto the castle level.  By this point, the family had finished.  The seven kids in the family had now gathered around me and were cheering me on.  This was strange because I’m supposed to be working, not playing a game.  Clearly, they all knew I wasn’t working.

Anyway, I made it to the end of the level, only to run into Bowser and die like an idiot.  Yes, I am that bad at Super Mario Bros.  The family left, I changed the lights, and I went about my business as usual.  That was all.

I realize how bad this Work Story is now.  I see that.  I’ve already written a whole blog post’s worth of writing though, so I’m keeping it.  If you don’t like it, I don’t care.  You should know by now that half of my Work Stories aren’t that good.  This one is one of them.  Next week, I’ll try and have something better for you, but I’m not going to guarantee it.  You know how these things go.

Until then, do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.


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