Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned (2008) and Echo Bridge as a Distributor

One of the best things I’ve ever done for the Sunday “Bad” Movies was to buy a bunch of DVD packages containing a bunch of movies that look terrible.  If I discover that, for some reason, I can’t watch a movie that I have scheduled, I can always replace it with a movie from one of these packages.  Other times, I’ll just choose a movie from one of the packages anyway, based on title alone.  These packages have added quite a bit to the Sunday “Bad” Movie.

This week’s movie, Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned, comes from one of the packages and perfectly exemplifies why I appreciate owning the packages.  Before I get into that, though, I should talk about the packs themselves.

Echo Bridge is a company that releases a lot of multi-movie packages.  They’ll take a low-budget movie, and put it into a set with other movies of the same genre.  Then Echo Bridge will release the movies for a very cheap price.  Five dollars for eight movies?  Sure.  I’ll pick that up.  The genres vary from horror to family to kids to westerns.  I own many of the packages, no solely for the Sunday “Bad” Movie posts, but it doesn’t hurt that these posts may inspire me to watch some of the movies.

I’ve covered some of the movies in previous installments of this blog series.  There is something that the movies usually have in common.  The low budget of the movies I’ve seen has led to my noticing potential in the movies, or noticing effort that might not have been injected into the work were it not for budget constraints.  Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned is no different.  The budget that the crew had to work with forced them to introduce humour into the story, as well as try interesting things with effects in order to make the movie better.  There was also a fun attitude which seeped through the screen from all of the actors.  They were having a good time making the movie.  I could tell.  It helped me to have a better time watching it.

That’s the thing about the sets of movies released by Echo Bridge.  About 75% of the time, I can see the potential and hard work that went into them, or I outright enjoy the movies.  They might look bad when you walk by them sitting on the shelves in a Target or a Walmart.  You might look at them and think, “Those movies all look like crap.  I’m never going to watch any of them, and I’m definitely never going to buy that.”  Instead, I look at them and think, “Here are a bunch of movies that nobody is ever going to watch.  Wait, that’s wrong.  I’m going to watch them.  I’m going to buy these movies and watch them.”  That’s what it all comes down to.  I’m willing to give every movie a chance, and with the Echo Bridge packages, I tend to get some pleasant surprises.

Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned was a pleasant surprise.  Fun, funny, and an all-around decent horror movie.  It’s the reason that I like buying the Echo Bridge sets.  When you get a surprise like this, it makes the whole journey worth it.  Sometimes, it’s not about the destination, but the journey instead.  Other times, it’s about the destination.  You don’t care about how tough it is to get to the destination.  As long as the destination is good, you will endure whatever you have to.

I’ve endured some bad movies during the Sunday “Bad” Movies, but there are always good ones to balance them out.  When I find a good one and feel that people haven’t seen it, I like to try and steer them toward it.  Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned is one of the good ones.  It might not be the best made movie I’ve watched (it does have a budget of, I believe, $10,000), but it’s still an enjoyable little horror flick for the people who can endure the flaws.  If you’re interested in it, in even the slightest amount, you should check it out.  I think it’s worth it.  It has a bachelor party, it has vampires that aren’t actually vampires, and it has the chuckles.  It’s not the best movie ever made, but it’s not a bad way to spend less than an hour and a half of your life.

Thank you Echo Bridge for allowing me to find movies like this.  The entertainment that you give me is something that I appreciate.

There are some notes to make before I end this post:


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