Work Stories: Episode 41: Yarrrrrrrrrrrr

Previously on Work Stories, I wrote about the time that I worked at a concert and one of the workers slept with another worker’s mother.  He bragged about how good she was.  It was quite awkward, to be honest.  I mean, I wouldn’t want my coworker bragging about having sex with my mother.  Would you?  I’m not sure you would.  Anyway, onto this week’s Work Story.

On Twitter, I basically said that I was going to focus this week’s post on a guy who looked like a pirate.  That’s what I’m going to do.  I’m going to write about this pirate guy this week.  There are a few things that happened with this guy, and they don’t really make a story flow all that well.  So, this week I’m just going to list things that happened with the pirate guy and his family.  First, let me describe the entire situation.

It is Labor Day weekend.  The crowds are beginning to disappear as the busy summer season winds down.  It was Sunday night when the pirate man first showed up.  He arrived with his wife and their two year old (I’m guessing.  The kid could have been younger than that) child in tow.  He asked the price of admission, then didn’t want to pay that much and decided not to go inside.  That didn’t stop him and his family from giving us workers a barrage of images that made us both laugh and gasp.  Here are some of these images.

  1. Let’s start with pirate guy’s look.  He looked like a pirate.  That’s why I’m calling him pirate.  Only he’s not the pirate you think of right away.  He doesn’t look like a pirate captain.  He’s no Jack Sparrow or Long John Silver.  This guy is the one who would be running around deck moving things as the captain told him too.  He’s a pirate crew member.  He still looked like a pirate, but he wasn’t your initial image of a pirate.  He was one of the other guys.
  2. When the pirate’s wife turned toward us, we could see that her child was still breast feeding.  No, she wasn’t breast feeding the child in front of us.  She did have a leak going on though.  Her shirt was soaked through right around the nipple.  I’m still not sure that she had any idea that it was happening.
  3. The mom was throwing her child around like a sack of potatoes onto a delivery truck.  That’s the best way to describe it.  She also jammed a purple sweater onto the child, without giving the kid a chance to get her arms into the sleeves.
  4. The mother asked if we would let her in for free so that she could change her daughter’s diaper.  She got mad when we told her that she couldn’t go in for free.  Our bathroom is halfway through the museum.  Nobody gets in for free to use the washroom.

On Monday night, they returned one more time.  This time, the family had two dogs with them.  Only one of the dogs was on a leash.  I’m pretty sure that you’re supposed to have your dog on a leash when you walk them down a city street.  Aside from that, there were two more things that happened on Monday involving the pirate man and his family.

  1. Nobody was wearing shoes.  I don’t know where their shoes got to in hours between the two nights.  For some reason, the shoes were gone, and the family was walking down the sidewalk barefoot.  I would never walk down the sidewalk barefoot outside my work.  It’s one of the dirtiest, most hazardous sidewalks I’ve ever seen.  I’ll wear my shoes when I walk on it, thank you very much.
  2. The wife yelled at a person who dropped one piece of garbage saying “You dropped something!”  Yet, when she left with her pirate husband, they left garbage on the sidewalk.  Not only is it hypocritical, but it’s also disrespectful.  I think they intentionally did that because we wouldn’t let them go inside for free and use our bathroom.  Little do they know that I’m writing about them now.

So that’s the pirate man and his family.  They were only there the two nights, but they left an impression on me that will last forever.

That’s this week’s Work Story.  It really wasn’t a story, but I’m not going to change the name of this blog series now.  It’s been Work Stories for so long, and it will be Work Stories for even longer.  Next week, I’ll bring you another Work Story.

Until then, ahoy!


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