Work Stories: Episode 26: Everybody Dance Now

Previously on Work Stories, I told you about a few of the people that I've seen around my workplace a lot. These are people that don't work there. They hang out on the street, some begging for change, some just being creeps. That's what I gave you for a 25th installment of Work Stories. This week, I'll go back to an actual story sort of thing.

One night I was at the museum that I work at doing my cashier duty of being by the cash register and selling tickets to let people inside. It's a fairly easy job to do. I take people's money and give them a ticket that they use to go inside the museum. It's nothing all that interesting until something happens. The night that I sort of described there got interesting after a while.

I was manning the cash register when I heard a sound. This sound was the sound of music. There is no radio at the register so I knew that the music was not coming from me. I searched around for a car that was driving by with the windows down, blaring some music. I did not see that either. There were no cars driving by with the windows down, blaring some music. Where was the music coming from?

After a minute or two, I noticed a group gathering outside the museum lobby. This had to have something to do with the music that I heard. I walked around the corner to see what was going on. That's when everything came together in a way that I never would have expected.

As I looked beyond the crowd that had formed at the edge of our lobby, I saw where the source of the music was. There was a small radio sitting against the building. That wasn't what was crazy, though. There was a man dressed in all spandex. He was dancing to the music while the crowd cheered and clapped for him. It was something that I never expected to see on the street, and it's something that I have never seen again.

Over the couple days following this happening, I learned a few things about it from coworkers that were there and had seen what I had seen, and from coworkers that weren't even there. Apparently the guy who was dancing was semi-famous. He is known by the name Spandy Andy, and he was featured on So You Think You Can Dance Canada. Yeah, we have our own version of that show. Spandy Andy had come down to where I work and was dancing just because he enjoys dancing.

So that's what happened on one night while I was at work. I got to see a guy from So You Think You Can Dance Canada dance on the street where I work. I've never seen anyone else dancing on the street like that again, but I will always remember the time that Spandy Andy came and danced outside. It was one of the many memorable things that have happened at my work.

I guess that's the end of this week's Work Story. This is the first Work Story that I have written on my new computer. If there are any spelling issues, I'm going to blame them on my getting used to the new computer. The keyboard is different, so I sometimes lose a letter. I've tried to find all of the times when I missed a letter and put it back in, but I might have missed some. I'm sorry if I did. See you next week.

Until then, a trick is something a whore does for money.


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