Work Stories: Episode 16: Don't Give Up On Us

Previously on Work Stories, I told a less than exciting story about a time when I saw three different coloured vans that were the same make and model.  Yes, I know that was boring.  No, I didn’t intend it to be.  They can’t all be fun to read.  This week, I promise something a little bit better.

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen me Tweet this story when it happened last summer.  Mind you, like usual, it isn’t much of a story.  There isn’t an arc or a three act structure.  This is just something that happened, involving something that I saw.  There isn’t much more to it.  But it’s more exciting than last week’s story, so it has that going for it, at least.

Working at the museum that I currently work at, I see a lot of odd things.  It’s the tourism industry.  People shut off their brains when they go on vacation.  They do dumb things.  That is not the kind of stuff that I’m going to be writing about.  Another thing about working in the area is seeing interesting things that I would never expect to see otherwise.  These are things that I would normally have to travel to see for myself.  I don’t have to travel, though, because it all comes to me.

One night, we were getting ready to close the museum.  I was doing the outside cleaning.  This involved sweeping up garbage from the sidewalk (us Canadians like to keep the place clean) and removing fingerprints from everything.  While I was doing this outside stuff, a car pulled up.  Yes, this is another story about another car that I saw.  I want to get all of the car stories out of the way.  The car parked in front of our museum.  The people got out and went to wherever they were going.

I looked the car up and down for a few moments.  I was wondering why it looked so familiar.  After a few seconds, it clicked.  Here’s a picture of the car in front of my work:
If you don’t get it yet, let me explain.  This is, I assume it’s not the real deal, a replica of the car used in the 70s series Starsky and Hutch.  I was looking at a Starsky and Hutch car.  It was never a dream of mine to see the car, but now that it was in front of my work, I was excited.  It’s like seeing the General Lee in front of my work, but a different car from a different show.
I quickly pulled out my phone and took a picture of the car.  That picture is the one that I said is of the car in front of my work.  When I got home I shared what I saw with Twitter land.  Like I said, if you follow me on Twitter, you might have already known about this.  I don’t care.  I’m sharing it again because seeing that car was awesome.

So, to recap all the cars I’ve written about so far in my Work Stories, I’ve seen the Starsky and Hutch car, I’ve seen three vans that were the same make and model but a different colour, I’ve seen a car that changed colours as the angle of vision changed, I’ve seen Batman driving a Ferrari, and I saw a sex van.  I think those are all the cars I’ve written about.  There are surely more to come.  Next week, I’ll try and take a break from cars. 

Until then, catch some fish instead of letting people give them to you.  It will help you more in life.


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