Work Stories: Episode 7: The Story of the Multicoloured Car

Previously on Work Stories, I talked about a little urination issue that involved a child and a hallway floor.  That mess was dealt with last time, so I’m going to move onto the next work story and leave that behind me.

This week, I’m going back into the stories that aren’t so much stories as they are interesting things that I witnessed or experienced.  There is no real arc to this but I will stretch it out as long as I can anyway because that’s what I am prone to doing.  That’s just how I am.  And you’ll read it.  Let’s get this started.

When I was working at the hotel, I did a lot of things.  I’ve already told you about the time that I fixed an old lady’s television set because it was unplugged.  I’ve also told you about a little bit of extra money that I got to see a movie that I didn’t really want to see.  This time, I’m going to tell another story that may or may not blow your mind, but probably won’t.  (Sidenote: I’m writing this after midnight, so if the quality isn’t great, that’s what I’m going to blame it on.)  This is the story of the multicoloured car.

I was a parking lot attendant for a lot of the time that I worked at the hotel.  I spent most of my day sitting outside in the sun, baking my skin off.  They gave me sunscreen.  At least I had that much protection.  I didn’t get too much of a sunburn.  But the days were really hot and I had nothing but a book and a radio to entertain me.  That means I spent a lot of my time staring at the street.

Now, the multicoloured car may not be what you are thinking I mean by multicoloured car.  I’ll get to that part in a couple seconds.  First, let me tell you that I saw this car a lot.  It would drive by almost every day.  The driver must have lived or worked near my place of employment.  I would look down the street and see him coming toward me in his Volkswagen beetle.  Now comes the whole multicoloured part of the story.

This Volkswagen wasn’t only coming toward me, it was changing colours while it did it.  This was not simply a car painted with multiple colours on it.  It was multicoloured in the sense that it would change its colour depending on the angle from which you viewed it.  It was magic!  (Not really, though.  There’s a special paint for that.)  I was astounded every time I saw it.  I didn’t know until that point in my life that there was a paint that could change colours like that.  It was as mystifying as an Uncle Sam poster that points at you no matter where you are standing in relation to it.  My mind was blown.

I have not seen a car like that since I left that job.  Is the paint legal?  I do not know.  But it was interesting to see.  That’s for sure.

This brings this week’s Work Story to an end.  I would like to apologize for not having one last week.  I got busy during the weekend time and didn’t get around to it.  I might have a second one this week to make up for that.  I’m not sure yet.  Until next time, stay classy.


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