Oversight Marathon: King Kong (1933)

Fourth movie of the Oversight Marathon.  I have no ideas for how to make the write-up anything special so you’re going to get a straight forward review type of thing that doesn’t give any real criticism or anything.  It’s just going to be some quick thoughts from me.  A speedy little in-and-out, and we’ll be done with this one.  It’s the 1933 version of King Kong.

I assume that everyone knows what the story of King Kong is, but in case you don’t know, here’s a synopsis.  Man wants to make movie on boat and island.  Man hires woman to star in movie.  Boat goes to island.  Island has a giant ape.  Ape takes woman.  Boat crew save woman.  Boat leaves island with ape.  Man makes ape into New York show.  Ape escapes.  If you don’t know that much already, you’ve been living under a rock.  Seriously.  Without seeing the movie, most people already know the story.  I’m being very condescending and I may have broken one of my spoiler rules.  I’m going to ignore it this one time.

I wasn’t a fan of this movie.  I’m not sure what it was, but I just couldn’t get interested in it.  Something about the movie just kept pushing me out, whereas it pulls a lot of people in.  I don’t know how to describe it because I don’t know what it was about the movie that I didn’t like.  The acting was alright.  The effects were alright.  The plot was alright.  The direction was alright.  I think it’s just that I didn’t get that special thing out of it that so many people get from the movie.  I’m not sure what that special something is, but I couldn’t find it.

Fay Wray was a nice looking woman.  Her facial movements were great to watch.  That’s about all I was invested in the movie.  I liked to look at her face move.  It was like something I had never seen before, but it looked familiar in a way that I wasn’t able to put my finger on.  I don’t know.  I seem to not know a lot with this movie.  It seems like my go-to phrase.

Like I said, I don’t have much to say.  There was nothing really bad about the movie.  The problem, I guess, was that there wasn’t anything that I saw above alright.  It was an alright piece of monster history in film.  It just wasn’t special for me.


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