Three Thoughts

Sometimes when I’m really bored, I sort of monologue in my head about different subjects.  Last night, while I was at work, I had a few of those moments. I decided to jot them down on my phone, send them to my email, and put them up here for you to read.  Here are three things I thought while I was bored at work.

The perfect woman for me would be an attractive woman with a personality I don't hate. That much is obvious for almost any straight male. I have one more rule. She needs to allow me to name our first born son Hannibal Cannibal. It isn't that I am in love with the movies. Silence of the Lambs is good, I like Red Dragon, and I've never seen the other three. The name just rolls off the tongue when placed in front of my last name. It rolls so well. You don't need to know my last name. You just need to know how well it flows with the first name Hannibal and the middle name Cannibal. I need a woman who will allow our kid to have that name.

There are few times where I can say I really like a comic strip. Today, I looked in the newspaper and there was a Dilbert strip that far surpassed the normal "mmkay" that I think while looking at the series. It made me laugh, which Dilbert never does. It's because I am a child of the internet. Without naming names, the Dilbert strip made a chatroulette joke. This is a joke that I can comletely relate to and laugh about. Once upon a time, I went to chatroulette and like any person who goes there, I was greeted by a man jerking off. This single comic strip made a reference to such a situation. And the different reactions of the two characters perfectly summarizes the experience of going on that website. The comic strip is perfect, a thing that very few strips are.

Have you ever noticed that people always complain about what time of year it is and what the weather is like?  In January, people want it to be June.  By the time June rolls around, people want it to be January. Can’t we be happy and appreciate the time that we are in instead of wishing that it was some other time?  I mean, really.  Remember the past January when you complained that it was too cold and that you hated winter?  Now it’s August and you are complaining that it has been too hot since April and that you want it to be January.  But you hate January.  There is no satisfying you.  Deal with what you get instead of complaining about what time of year it is, what the weather is like, or other things like that.  Come on, people.

There you have it.  Three thoughts I had while at work.  Are they the most groundbreaking thoughts?  Not in the least.  I felt like sharing them anyway because...why not?


  1. You should check out the comic strips, Calvin & Hobbes and Basic Instructions, if you haven't seen them already. They are my all-time favorite comic strips. I like Dilbert, too, but I haven't read it in a while.


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