New Places in a Month and a Half

I came back to my hometown for the week because it’s a week off of school after midterms.  Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to write about this so much.  It’s not much to talk about at all.  “Oh, look at you, back in your hometown.  Weren’t you there a month and a half ago?”  It’s a little bit more than a month and a half, but yeah, I see what you’re thinking.  But there is something to talk about.  Two things as a part of one thing, to be exact.

I decided to go for a walk today.  It was an interesting walk because I didn’t know where I was going to go and just went with whatever whim I decided to follow. It took me around in a rather large circle.  The weather took a turn during the second half when the cold rain and snow started falling but that has nothing to do with what I wanted to discuss.

There were two big changes in buildings around the route that I walked.  The first one is the lesser of the two changes.  There used to be a motorcycle memorabilia shop that went out of business.  The building that it was in was left empty for a while and was still deserted when I left for my school term.  Today I found out that someone had moved into the building.  That place is now a pizza shop.  We don’t need another pizza shop around here, but okay.  Whatever.

The second one is the really strange one.  There used to be a sex shop on one of the main streets.  It had blacked out windows so that you couldn’t see the lingerie, the toys, or the other assorted products that assist in your many sexual encounters.  It isn’t there anymore.  Now, in the spot where it once was, there is an animal hospital.  They replaced a sex shop with an animal hospital.  That’s a complete 180 in what they are “selling.”  It seems strange to me.  It might not actually be strange, but to me it is.

So that’s what I wanted to share.  It isn’t much.  I know that.  It simply piqued my interest and I thought I’d share what I’d seen.  I’m sorry if this was a waste of your time but I wanted to share.  You’re welcome or not.


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